ASB will follow Centers for Disease Control guidelines intended to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19 and similar guidance provided by the hosts of our rehearsal and concert venues. This guidance will remain in effect until rescinded by the ASB Board. ASB cannot guarantee that participants in its events (concerts, rehearsals) will not become infected with COVID-19. By attending an ASB event, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. We thank you for helping keep each other safe and healthy.
I acknowledge that I will comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 while attending ASB events. If I am unable or unwilling to comply, I will not attend ASB events.
COVID-19 Vaccination
All participants are expected to be fully vaccinated, if they are able, before participating in ASB events.
Indoor Event (Rehearsal and Concert) Procedures
All participants are to wear masks when entering and exiting event venues.
String players and percussionists are required to wear masks.
Brass players must use a bell cover (example) and wear masks when not playing.
Brass players must use a means to contain and dispose of instrument water build-up, such as a disposable puppy pad or washable cloth.
Woodwind players must wear masks when not playing. Flute mouthpiece shields are encouraged.
No one will be penalized for withdrawing from any ASB event due to safety concerns or inability to comply with ASB policies. Please notify your section leader promptly of any absences.
Outdoor Rehearsal and Concert Procedures
Masks and bell covers are not required for vaccinated members at outdoor rehearsals.
Unvaccinated members should wear a mask when not playing.
Event (Concert or Rehearsal) Cancellation
The ASB Board will evaluate local conditions to determine if it is necessary to cancel an event.
Events may be canceled by the board according to the guidance of or at the request of venue hosts.
ASB may opt to live stream performances online with no in-person audience in the event of a concert cancellation.
Duty to Self-Monitor for Symptoms & Report Positive Diagnosis
Participants agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever, cough, and shortness of breath).
Participants agree to notify their section leader if they test positive for COVID-19 within 14 days after participating or attending an ASB event.
ASB 2021-2022 Season Participation Acknowledgement
I will not attend or participate in ASB events if I have any of the following symptoms at the time of OR up to 14 days before any ASB event:
Shortness of breath
Muscle pain/headache
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Known contact with a person confirmed or suspected positive for COVID-19
I agree that if I test positive for COVID-19, I will not attend ASB events until I have been cleared as non-contagious by my healthcare provider or met appropriate CDC guidance for the same.
I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and that by participating or attending ASB events, I may be exposed to or contract COVID-19.
Why doesn’t ASB require COVID-19 vaccination to participate?
We will encourage vaccinations but not require them because it is illegal for ASB to do so.
Per Gov. Abbott Executive Order: “Any public or private entity that is receiving or will receive public funds through any means, including grants, contracts, loans, or other disbursements of taxpayer money, shall not require a consumer to provide, as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place, documentation regarding the consumer’s vaccination status for any COVID-19 vaccine. No consumer may be denied entry to a facility financed in whole or in part by public funds for failure to provide documentation regarding the consumer’s vaccination status for any COVID-19 vaccine.”